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Project structure

Every Elmish Land application has a folder structure that looks something like this:

├── global.json
├── MyProject.fsproj
├── elmish-land.json
├── MyProject.sln
└── src
├── Shared.fs
└── Pages
├── Layout.fs
├── Page.fs
└── route.json

You'll also find common files like .gitignore.

Project files

Here's a breakdown of what those files and folders are:

  • /global.json - Specify which version of .NET to use.
  • /MyProject.sln - The F# solution file for working from an IDE
  • /MyProject.fsproj - The F# project file
  • /elmish-land.json – The configuration file for Elmish Land.
  • /src/Shared.fs - Shared data between your pages.
  • /src/Pages/ – The home for your page and layout files.
    • Layout.fs – A layout file that allow you to share common UI for your pages.
    • Page.fs – A page file, which correspond to URLs in your app.
    • route.json – Configuration for the route of the folder. Makes it possible to specify type safe route parameters and query parameters.