Custom route and query parameters
You can use your own types for route and query parameters by creating a shared dotnet library.
To get this working, first you need to add a project reference to the shared project in your /elmish-land.json
configuration file for your project.
// elmish-land.json
"projectReferences": [
then you need to add your types and parser and formatter functions to the library:
// src/Common/RouteParams.fs
module MyProject.Common.RouteParams
open System
type Age = Age of int
module Age =
let parse (value: string) =
match Int32.Parse value with
| true, i -> Some (Age i)
| _ -> None
let format (Age age) = string age
lastly you need to add it to the page's route.json
"queryParameters": [
"module": "MyProject.Common.RouteParams",
"name": "age",
"type": "Age",
"required": true,
"parse": "Age.parse",
"format": "Age.format"