Creating a to-do app with Elmish Land
Creating web applications can be a daunting task, especially when managing state and ensuring a seamless user experience. Elmish Land offers a declarative and functional approach to building modern web apps. In this post, we’ll walk through building a simple to-do app using Elmish Land, step-by-step.
Setting Up the Project
Before we dive into coding, ensure you have the following installed:
To create a new project:
mkdir TodoApp
cd TodoApp
dotnet new tool-manifest
dotnet tool install elmish-land
dotnet elmish-land init
dotnet elmish-land server
This sets up a basic Elmish Land project with all the dependencies you need and starts the development server.
Understanding the page structure
Open the newly created folder in your preferred editor (I use Visual Studio Code with
the Ionide extension for F# support)
and open the file src/Pages/Page.fs
. This is the default page of the app.
Elmish Land pages are structured around the MVU pattern:
- Model: Represents the application’s state.
- Update: Defines how the state changes in response to messages.
- View: Specifies how the state is rendered as a user interface.
Here’s how we’ll use these concepts to build our to-do app.
Step 1: Define the model
The model is the backbone of your application. For a to-do app, we’ll need to keep track of tasks and their completion status:
type Todo = { Text: string; Completed: bool }
type Model = {
Todos: Map<int, Todo>
NewTodo: string option
let init () =
{ Todos = Map.empty; NewTodo = None }, Command.none
The Model
type is updated to with a list of to-dos and a field to allow adding a new to-dos.
The init
function is updated to create an empty list of to-dos.
Step 2: Handling updates
Next, define the messages and the update function. Messages represent actions users can take:
type Msg =
| LayoutMsg of Layout.Msg
| ChangeNewTodo of string
| AddTodo
| CompleteTodo of int
let update (msg: Msg) (model: Model) =
match msg with
| LayoutMsg _ -> model, Command.none
| ChangeNewTodo newValue ->
model with
NewTodo =
if String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace newValue then
Some newValue
| AddTodo ->
match model.NewTodo with
| Some newTodo ->
model with
NewTodo = None
Todos = Map.add (model.Todos.Count + 1) { Text = newTodo; Completed = false } model.Todos
| None -> model, Command.none
| CompleteTodo todoId ->
match Map.tryFind todoId model.Todos with
| Some todo -> {
model with
Todos =
todo with
Completed = not todo.Completed
| None -> model
, Command.none
This message is sent when the user types text in the input field. The model is updated with the new value of the input field for every key stroke.
By clicking the Add todo
button we can add a new to-do. This handler checks that the NewTodo
field of the
model has a value before adding it to the list of todos. The NewTodo
field is then cleared.
This message handles when the user checks a to-do. First we check that the ID of the to-do exists and then we update the list of to-dos and toggles the Completed field of the model.
Step 3: Building the view
The view function describes how to render the model’s state into HTML:
First we add a form
with the submit functionality disabled:
prop.onSubmit (fun e -> e.preventDefault ())
We do this to enable pressing Enter
to add a new to-do.
Then we add an input field and a button to add a new to-do. We use an unordered list with checkboxes to display our to-dos.
let view (model: Model) (dispatch: Msg -> unit) =
Html.div [
Html.form [
prop.onSubmit (fun e -> e.preventDefault ())
prop.children [
Html.input [
prop.value (defaultArg model.NewTodo "")
prop.onChange (ChangeNewTodo >> dispatch)
Html.input [
prop.value "Add todo"
prop.disabled model.NewTodo.IsNone
prop.onClick (fun _ -> dispatch AddTodo)
Html.ul [
for KeyValue(todoId, todo) in model.Todos do [ todoId
prop.children [
Html.label [
prop.children [
Html.input [
prop.isChecked todo.Completed
prop.onCheckedChange (fun _ -> dispatch (CompleteTodo todoId))
if todo.Completed then
Html.s [ Html.text todo.Text ]
Html.text todo.Text
Wrapping it up
Building a to-do app with Elmish Land showcases the power and simplicity of the MVU pattern. By breaking the application into clear, manageable parts, you can focus on writing clean, maintainable code. Whether you’re a seasoned F# developer or new to functional programming, Elmish Land is a fantastic tool to add to your toolkit.
Below is the complete Page.fs
file for the app.
Happy coding!
module TodoApp.Pages.Page
open System
open Feliz
open ElmishLand
open TodoApp.Shared
open TodoApp.Pages
type Todo = { Text: string; Completed: bool }
type Model = {
Todos: Map<int, Todo>
NewTodo: string option
type Msg =
| LayoutMsg of Layout.Msg
| ChangeNewTodo of string
| AddTodo
| CompleteTodo of int
let init () =
{ Todos = Map.empty; NewTodo = None }, Command.none
let update (msg: Msg) (model: Model) =
match msg with
| LayoutMsg _ -> model, Command.none
| ChangeNewTodo newValue ->
model with
NewTodo =
if String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace newValue then
Some newValue
| AddTodo ->
match model.NewTodo with
| Some newTodo ->
model with
NewTodo = None
Todos = Map.add (model.Todos.Count + 1) { Text = newTodo; Completed = false } model.Todos
| None -> model, Command.none
| CompleteTodo todoId ->
match Map.tryFind todoId model.Todos with
| Some todo -> {
model with
Todos =
todo with
Completed = not todo.Completed
| None -> model
, Command.none
let view (model: Model) (dispatch: Msg -> unit) =
Html.div [
Html.form [
prop.onSubmit (fun e -> e.preventDefault ())
prop.children [
Html.input [
prop.value (defaultArg model.NewTodo "")
prop.onChange (ChangeNewTodo >> dispatch)
Html.input [
prop.value "Add todo"
prop.disabled model.NewTodo.IsNone
prop.onClick (fun _ -> dispatch AddTodo)
Html.ul [
for KeyValue(todoId, todo) in model.Todos do [ todoId
prop.children [
Html.label [
prop.children [
Html.input [
prop.isChecked todo.Completed
prop.onCheckedChange (fun _ -> dispatch (CompleteTodo todoId))
if todo.Completed then
Html.s [ Html.text todo.Text ]
Html.text todo.Text
let page (_shared: SharedModel) (_route: HomeRoute) = Page.from init update view () LayoutMsg